Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What is dengue fever? What are the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods of dengue fever?

What is dengue fever? What are the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods of dengue fever?
What is dengue fever? What are the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods of dengue fever?

What is dengue fever?
Acute infectious diseases caused by dengue virus. · High fever, rash, bone and joint pain are typical symptoms. Reducing mosquito bites can effectively prevent the disease.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever?
Typical dengue fever is divided into three phases: acute fever, extreme phase and recovery phase. The main symptoms of each phase are:

Acute fever: acute onset, can be accompanied by chills, body temperature can reach 40 °C within 24 hours, may be associated with headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. On the 3rd to 6th day after the onset, congestive rash or spotted hemorrhagic rash appeared on the face and limbs, and there were also different degrees of bleeding, such as subcutaneous hemorrhage, ecchymosis at the injection site, bleeding gums, and bleeding.

Extreme period: patients with high fever continue to retreat, or worse after the fever, severe cases can occur shock and other important organ damage. The polar phase usually occurs on the 3rd to 8th day of the disease course, and severe early warning signs such as severe abdominal pain and persistent vomiting often indicate the beginning of the extreme period. In the polar phase, the performance of different patients varies greatly depending on the degree of plasma leakage. Common manifestations include bulbar conjunctival edema, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion and ascites. A small number of patients with severe plasma deficiencies caused by plasma leakage can cause serious complications such as shock, metabolic acidosis, multiple organ dysfunction and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Recovery period: 2 to 3 days after the extreme period, the patient's condition improved, the gastrointestinal symptoms were alleviated, and the recovery period was entered. At this point, the white blood cell count began to rise and the platelet count gradually recovered.

How long is the incubation period for dengue?
After infection with dengue virus, the incubation period is 3 to 15 days (usually 5 to 8 days).

What is the cause of dengue fever?
Dengue fever is mainly caused by infection with dengue virus.

What are the sources of dengue fever?
Dengue fever patients, recessive infections, dengue virus-infected primates, and the vector Aedes.

How is dengue spread?
Dengue fever is mainly transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquitoes, including Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (commonly known as "Piecea moth"). After a mosquito bites a patient and a latent infected person, it can spread the virus to other people by biting other people. Therefore, if dengue patients are not treated in isolation, they will be quickly transmitted to their families, friends, colleagues, etc. through mosquitoes.

Who is more susceptible to dengue fever?
In dengue-endemic areas, everyone is susceptible to infection and disease. If you have a case of dengue within 1 month of your home or workplace (such as a radius of 100 meters), you should be vigilant. If you have dizziness, you should go to the hospital, especially the elderly, children, and people with underlying diseases. And people with poor physical resistance.

When is dengue popular?
The epidemic season of dengue fever is related to Aedes mosquitoes. In China, Guangdong is generally from May to October, and Hainan is from March to December.

What are the habits of "spotted mosquitoes"?
"Spotted Mosquito" likes to lay eggs in still water, such as water tanks, vases, balcony water, outdoor tanks, tires, bamboo tubes, tree holes or dark and damp places. The "Spotted Mosquito" bites people during the day, with peaks between 8 and 9 in the morning and 5 to 6 in the afternoon.

What are the main breeding grounds for mosquitoes?
Pots for raising aquatic plants; pot trays; reservoirs; idle tanks, tanks, vegetable beds; ditches, puddles; old tires; tree holes, stone caves, bamboo tubes.

How is dengue diagnosed?
In the epidemic season of dengue fever, anyone who has been in an epidemic area or has been in a dengue-prone area should have thought of this disease when it has high fever.

Typical symptoms such as fever, rash, bone and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, obvious bleeding tendency, such as bleeding points, purple spots, blood in the stool, should consider this disease.

Laboratory tests, early detection of anti-dengue virus IgM antibody positive in the patient's serum, or double serum, 4 times or more of the recovery-specific IgG antibody titer, or the isolation of dengue virus in serum, Clear diagnosis and become a confirmed case.

How to distinguish between dengue and influenza?
The symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection such as influenza nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and cough are more obvious. The rash is rare, and there are no skin spots and ecchymoses.

How to distinguish between dengue fever and measles?
Measles manifested as cough, runny, tearing, eye conjunctival hyperemia, photophobia, and sore throat, Coriolis spot in the mouth, rash as maculopapular rash, top to bottom from 2 to 3 days, neck to chest, abdomen whole body. Dengue antibodies were not detected in the serum.

How to distinguish between dengue fever and epidemic hemorrhagic fever?
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever, now the official name is hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the main manifestations of fever, poisoning symptoms, congestion, hemorrhage, shock, kidney damage, etc., serum epidemic hemorrhagic fever antibody positive, but can not detect dengue antibody .

What should I do if I suspect dengue fever?
If someone has symptoms similar to dengue fever and has been to a dengue fever prevalence two weeks before the onset of illness, it may be bitten by a mosquito. It should be reported to the local disease prevention and control agency as soon as possible, and the patient should be sent to a regular hospital for isolation treatment to avoid infecting others.

How to treat dengue fever?
There is no specific treatment for dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever, mainly using comprehensive treatment measures.

General treatment: In the acute phase, bed rest should be given, and a liquid or semi-liquid diet should be given. In the hospital room with anti-mosquito equipment, it should be isolated until it is completely fever-removed. It is not easy to move off the ground too early to prevent the disease from worsening.

Symptomatic treatment: high fever should be based on physical cooling; for hyperhidrosis or diarrhea, patients should be encouraged to take oral rehydration, for patients with frequent vomiting, inability to eat or dehydration, insufficient blood volume, timely intravenous infusion; dengue hemorrhagic fever with shock Serious symptoms such as bleeding, need to be actively treated, shock should be timely to replenish blood volume.

What should women with dengue pay attention to in their lives?
Patients with dengue should pay attention to bed rest, diet and eat some foods that are easy to swallow and digest. Generally, patients should be isolated until they have a fever.

Can dengue be vaccinated?
At present, there is no effective dengue vaccine in the world, and preventing mosquito bites is the key to preventing the spread of dengue virus.

How to prevent dengue fever?
Avoid staying in the shade of trees, grass, etc. during frequent periods of stop.

Clear the Aedes mosquito breeding ground, the water in the pots at home, the tanks around the house, tanks and other containers should be removed in time to avoid water accumulation. The family advocates the use of mosquito nets and the installation of screen screens.

Travel or live in dengue-popular areas, try to wear long-sleeved clothes and trousers, and expose insect repellent to exposed skin.

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